Wholesome Words

by | Jun 6, 2024

Dear friends,

In a world often filled with useless noise and negativity, the words we choose to speak hold immense power. Our words can build up or tear down, heal or hurt, bless or curse. The Bible reminds us of how truly influential our words are: "A wholesome tongue is a tree of life: but perverseness therein is a breach in the spirit" (Proverbs 15:4). Wholesome speech, then, is not just about avoiding harsh or inappropriate words; but about cultivating speaking that breathes life and grace into those around us.

Consider the words of Paul in Ephesians: "Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers" (Ephesians 4:29). Our words should be instruments of encouragement that are intended to uplift others. When we speak kindly and truthfully, we reflect the nature of Christ, whose words brought comfort and healing.

Wholesome speech can transform our daily interactions. Imagine a workplace where colleagues consistently speak with respect and encouragement, rather than criticism and gossip. Such actions foster trust and collaboration. At home, kind words can strengthen family bonds and create an atmosphere where each family member feels valued and loved. In a church wholesome speech encourages and uplifts each believer, inspiring all to walk in the will of the Lord.

Jesus Himself set us an ultimate example of wholesome speech. His conversations were filled with wisdom, compassion, and truth. Luke 4:22 tells us about Jesus, "And all bare him witness, and wondered at the gracious words which proceeded out of his mouth." His words had the power to calm storms, heal the sick, and offer forgiveness. As His followers, we are called to emulate His example, speaking in ways that reflect His love and grace.

Moreover, wholesome speech also involves knowing when to speak and when to remain silent. James exhorts us to be "swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath" (James 1:19). Listening attentively before responding helps us avoid harmful words spoken in haste. It allows us to understand others’ perspectives and respond with empathy and wisdom.

Wholesome speech sometimes requires us to speak the truth even when it is difficult. While it is often easier to avoid uncomfortable truths, in order to spare us from discomfort, When we do so we help ourselves rather than the other person. True love and care for others compel us to be honest, even when the truth may be hard to hear. In Proverbs 27:6, we are reminded that "faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful." Remember that although it is difficult, speaking the truth in love leads to growth and healing.

So how can we cultivate wholesome speech in our lives? Ultimately, wholesome speech is a reflection of a heart that truly desires to be an encouragement to each person they meet. True love for others, always wishing for their best, is the foundation of wholesome speech. We begin this process by filling our hearts with God’s Word. "Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee" (Psalm 119:11). When our hearts are saturated with Scripture, our words will naturally begin to reflect its truth and grace. Daily prayer, asking the Holy Spirit to guide our speech, can also help us speak words that honor God and bless others.

In our everyday conversations, let’s strive to speak words of life, truth, and grace. By doing so, we become conduits of God’s love, and bring healing and hope to a world in need.

May our speech be a testament to our transformation. May our words inspire, uplift, and reflect the love and grace of Christ within us. Let’s choose to use words that heal, encourage, and bring light to those around us as we live out our new life in Christ.

Topics: #Encouragement, #Grace, #Healing, #Inspiration, #Love, #Speech, #Wisdom, #Words

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